

Congratulations on your academic achievement at EC3! Receiving your diploma that signifies successful completion of your degree or certificate is just around the corner. We invite you to be a part of a special piece of EC3 history: our first graduating class.  

The Application 

Every student who completes the requirements for a degree or certificate is encouraged to apply for graduation. See form below. There is no cost to have the graduation review completed by the Registration Office.  

You are also encouraged to meet with an advisor one final time to review all your coursework to ensure that you are ready to graduate. You can set up an appointment with an advisor at

The last day to submit your Graduation Application form is April 1, 2023. 

Commencement (The Graduation Celebration) 

Once you have applied for graduation, it is time to make plans to be a part of the special celebration known as Commencement. It is called Commencement because you are starting the next major chapter of your life after graduation. This year will be extra special with many community partners and members of Erie County here to celebrate you as we showcase our first graduating class: the Class of 2023. 

This year’s ceremony and reception will be held on Saturday, June 3, 2023 beginning at 10:00am. 

Erie County Community College Erie West  

2403 W 8th Street 

Erie, PA 

If you have any questions, please contact the Dean of Student Success, Dr. Keri Bowman, at